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Special Offers

Non-Refundable Rate - 20% Discount

Room Only
Minimum stay 2 nights


Minimum stay 2 nights

Early check-in, subject to availability

Cleaning service

Outdoor Pools: 1 Adults, 1 Families, 1 Children

Tennis court

Offer on arrival: Milk, water, coffee, tea and sugar

Late check-out, subject to availability

Free parking and safe

Direct Bookings - Best Rate - 15% Discount

Room Only
Minimum stay of 3 nights and flexible cancellation

Book directly and get the best price guaranteed.

Discount on accommodation

Early check-in, subject to availability

Offer upon arrival: Milk, water, coffee, tea and sugar

Late check-out, subject to availability

Free wifi

Parking + Free Safe

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This offer is valid for a minimum stay of 3 nights or more during the above period. Discount on over-the-counter accommodation rates. Offer for all types of typology, subject to availability. Terms and Conditions apply. Not combinable with any other offer. Prices are subject to change without notice